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Command Usage

/cliapp$ moost cli --help|


Creating a great command-line interface (CLI) is not just about functionality but also about usability. Moost CLI provides a set of decorators to help you define rich command metadata and examples. This makes your CLI self-descriptive and user-friendly, especially when someone uses the --help option.

Defining Command Metadata

To define command metadata, Moost provides several decorators:

  • @Cli: To define a command.
  • @CliAlias: To define an alias for a command.
  • @CliOption: To define a command option.
  • @Description: To provide a description for a command, argument or option.
  • @CliExample: To provide a usage example for a command.
  • @Value: To provide a sample value for an option.

Here's an example of how you might use these decorators to define a CLI controller:

import { Controller, Description, Param, Value } from 'moost'
import { Cli, CliOption, CliAlias, CliExample } from '@moostjs/event-cli'

export class CliController {
    @CliAlias('begin') // Command alias
    start() {
        return 'Starting application...'

    @Description('Deploy application to a target environment')
    @Cli('deploy :env')
    @CliExample('dev -p my-app', 'Deploy the "my-app" to the development environment')
        env: string,

        @Description('Target cluster')
        @CliOption('target', 't')
        target: string,

        @Description('Project name')
        @CliOption('project', 'p')
        project: string,
    ) {
        return `Deploying ${project} to ${target} | env = ${ env }`

    @Description('Test application with specific configuration')
    @Cli('test :config')
        @Description('Configuration file')
        config: string,

        @Description('Target environment')
        @CliOption('target', 't')
        target: string,

        @Description('Project name')
        @CliOption('project', 'p')
        project: string,
    ) {
        return `Testing ${config}: ${project} in ${target}`

In the above example, we define a CliController with three commands: start, deploy, and test. Each command has its metadata defined using the decorators.

If you run command deploy --help, you'll see this nice command usage:

  Deploy application to a target environment 

  $ my-cli deploy <env> <name>

  <env>                   • Environment 
  <name>                  • App Name 

  --help                  • Display instructions for the command.
  -p, --project           • Project name 
  -t, --target            • Target environment 

  # Deploy the "my-app" to the development environment 
  $ my-cli deploy dev -p my-app 

Global Options

You can use the cliHelpInterceptor to automatically display command usage information when the --help option is used. This interceptor also allows you to provide global command options that are available for all commands.

Here's how to initialize Moost CLI with cliHelpInterceptor and define a default --help option:

import { MoostCli, cliHelpInterceptor } from '@moostjs/event-cli'
import { Moost } from 'moost'
import { CliController } from './cli.controller'

export function cli() {
    const app = new Moost()

            colors: true,
            lookupLevel: 3,
    app.adapter(new MoostCli({
        debug: true,
        wooksCli: {
            cliHelp: { name: 'moost-cli' },
        globalCliOptions: [
            { keys: ['help'], description: 'Display instructions for the command.' }


In the example above, the cliHelpInterceptor is set up with colors and lookupLevel options, the CliController is registered, and MoostCli adapter is initialized with the debug option, a CLI name, and a global --help option. This configuration helps improve the user experience of your CLI.

The cliHelp: { name: 'moost-cli' }, line is used to specify the name of your CLI application. This name is utilized when rendering CLI usage examples. For instance, if you set the name to 'moost-cli', the command examples in your --help output will start with this name, as in $ moost-cli command path. By doing this, you can customize your CLI help messages and provide a more intuitive user experience that aligns with your application's identity.

These options provide an elegant way to build and maintain self-descriptive command-line interfaces with Moost. Whether you are building a small tool or a complex system, a well-designed CLI is essential to create a seamless user experience.

Released under the MIT License.