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Moost Workflow API Reference

This page details the core decorators and classes for working with workflows in Moost.


@Workflow(path?: string)

Usage: Marks a controller method as a workflow entry point.

  • Parameters:
    path: Optional. The workflow path (string), can be static or parametric.


entryPoint() {}

@WorkflowSchema<T>(schema: TWorkflowSchema<T>)

Usage: Assigns the workflow schema (array of steps, conditions, loops, breaks) to the entry point.

  • Generic: T is the workflow context type.
  • Parameters:
    schema: A TWorkflowSchema<T> array defining steps and control flow.


  { condition: (ctx) => ctx.flag, id: "conditionalStep" },
  { while: 'items.length > 0', steps: ["processItem"] }

@Step(path?: string)

Usage: Marks a controller method as a workflow step.

  • Parameters:
    path: Optional step path (string), can be static or parametric.


calculateValue() { ... }

WorkflowParam(name: 'resume' | 'indexes' | 'schemaId' | 'stepId' | 'context' | 'input' | 'state')

Usage: Injects workflow runtime parameters into a step method or controller property.

  • Parameters:
    name one of:
    • 'resume': A function (input: I) => Promise<TFlowOutput<T,I,IR>> to resume workflow after input or retriable error.
    • 'indexes': Current step indexes array.
    • 'schemaId': Current workflow schemaId (string).
    • 'stepId': Current stepId (string).
    • 'context': Current workflow context (typed by generics).
    • 'input': Input passed to workflow step.
    • 'state': Workflow state object (with schemaId, context, indexes).


validate(@WorkflowParam('context') ctx: MyContext) {
  if (!ctx.valid) return { inputRequired: true };

MoostWf Class

MoostWf<T, IR> represents a workflow adapter instance. It allows you to start and resume workflows programmatically.

start<I>(schemaId: string, initialContext: T, input?: I): Promise<TFlowOutput<T,I,IR>>

Usage: Starts a workflow identified by schemaId with initialContext. Optionally provide input if the first step requires it.

  • Returns: A promise that resolves to TFlowOutput<T,I,IR>.


const output = await wf.start('my-workflow', { a:1,b:2,c:3 });

If inputRequired or a StepRetriableError occurs, the workflow interrupt will be true, and output.resume can be used to continue later.

resume<I>(state: { schemaId: string; context: T; indexes: number[] }, input?: I): Promise<TFlowOutput<T,I,IR>>

Usage: Resumes an interrupted workflow from the given state with the provided input.

  • Parameters:
    state: The state returned in a previous interrupted TFlowOutput. input: Data required to continue.


if (output.interrupt && output.state) {
  const resumed = await wf.resume(output.state, { a:10,b:20,c:30 });

TFlowOutput Structure

When start or resume completes:

interface TFlowOutput<T, I, IR> {
  state: {
    schemaId: string;
    context: T;
    indexes: number[];
  finished: boolean;
  inputRequired?: IR;
  interrupt?: boolean;
  break?: boolean;
  stepId: string;
  resume?: (input: I) => Promise<TFlowOutput<T, unknown, IR>>;
  retry?: (input?: I) => Promise<TFlowOutput<T, unknown, IR>>;
  error?: Error;
  expires?: number;
  errorList?: unknown;
  • finished: true if workflow ended normally, otherwise false.
  • inputRequired: If present, more input is needed.
  • interrupt: true if workflow paused due to input or retriable error.
  • resume: A function to continue the workflow after interruption.
  • error: Any error thrown (e.g., StepRetriableError).
  • errorList: Additional error details if provided.

Released under the MIT License.