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Moost comes with two special tools, the @Provide and @Inject decorators, to make it easy to share things (dependencies) and then use them where you need them in your app.


Provide-Inject in Moost allows you to:

  • Share things for others to use with the @Provide decorator.
  • Use specific things in your classes with the @Inject decorator.
  • Create a global list of shared things for your main Moost app using the setProvideRegistry method.

Provide with Class Type

To share a thing using its class type, use the @Provide decorator. You need to give it the class as the first thing and a callback function that returns what you want to share.

Here's an example of how to share things using class types:

import { Provide, Injectable } from 'moost';

class AnotherDependency {
  // Some Dependency Class stuff

@Provide(AnotherDependency, () => new AnotherDependency())
class MyClass {
  constructor(private dependency: AnotherDependency) {}
  // Class stuff

In this example, we're sharing an instance of the AnotherDependency class using its class type. This instance can then be used in MyClass and any other classes that need AnotherDependency.

Provide with String Keys

To share things using string keys, use the @Provide decorator with a string key as the first thing and a callback function that returns what you want to share. To use these shared things, use the @Inject decorator with the matching string key as the constructor parameter.

Here's how you can share and use things with string keys:

import { Provide, Inject, Injectable } from 'moost';

class MyDependency {
  constructor(private type: string) {}
  // Some Dependency Class stuff

@Provide('instance-a', () => new MyDependency('A'))
@Provide('instance-b', () => new MyDependency('B'))
class MyClass {
    @Inject('instance-a') private dependencyA: MyDependency,
    @Inject('instance-b') private dependencyB: MyDependency
  ) {
    // ...

In this example, we're sharing instances of the MyDependency class with string keys 'instance-a' and 'instance-b'. These instances can then be used in other classes with the matching string keys.

Remember, you need to use the @Inject decorator when you're using things shared with string keys. But if they're shared using class types, you don't need the decorator.

Global Provide Registry

Moost lets you make a global sharing list for the main Moost app using the setProvideRegistry method. This list makes sure that certain things are always available to be used throughout the app.

Here's how to set up a global sharing list:

import { Moost, createProvideRegistry } from 'moost';
import { AnotherDependency, MyDependency } from './dependencies';

const app = new Moost();
  [AnotherDependency, () => new AnotherDependency()],
  ['instance-a', () => new MyDependency('A')],
  ['instance-b', () => new MyDependency('B')]

In this example, we're making a global sharing list with instances for AnotherDependency, 'instance-a', and 'instance-b'. Now, these instances can be used in any class by using their symbolic names or class types.

By using the power of @Provide and @Inject, you can easily share and use specific things throughout your Moost app. Remember to use the @Inject decorator for things shared with string keys. But if they're shared using the class type, you don't need the decorator.

Released under the MIT License.